Each engine and vehicle has different characteristics and it is important to be able to alter the power delivery and economy for each. As a example several vehicles produced on the same day and production line will drive and perform differently. The Tunit will compensate for any power variance.
Adjustment Method
The Tunit is pre-programmed but if you wish to adjust your tunit then you can choose between 9 settings to improve power and economy further.
Laptop Tuning
The Tunit can be altered further by your installer for bespoke purposes such as Heavy Towing, Acceleration or Economy.
Adjustment Method
The Optimum Plus connects to the Tunit Plus App via your smartphone. You can choose from 4 power settings of ECO, Standard, SPORT & SPORT PLUS.
Self Tuning
The Optimum Plus is self programmable and allows you to transfer to a endless amount of vehicle.
Adjustment Method
The Power Pedal has 5 main Settings Eco to Sport Plus. Each of these have 3 sub settings which can be accessed by holding down the plus and minus simultaneously.